Thinking of Venturing in Story Writing? Here Are the Savvy Tips That You Can Depend On
Whenever you think of venturing into writing stories, you have to be very smart because there are very many authors out there and each one of them is looking for the best ways to market their work. What most of them forget is it not wise to put all their eggs into a single basket. This tells those who are already into writing that it is the high time they start thinking of writing another genre. This is a very savvy tip because if you take a close look at the popular authors out there who are making good money in writing and they have something in common. One, it is true that they are known for a specific genre but if you take a close look at their works, you will also notice that they have also tried to write other genres as well. You will be amazed that some have used a different pen game to print books in different genres. This simply means that it is the high time you think of building a catalog which ideally means coming up with a collection of your work just like other top writers. Note that although in story writing you focus on being original, borrowing creative ideas that have proofed to be viable can be a big plus to you.
Take a look of top writers you know out there and as a sharp writer, there are various things that you should learn from them. The first thing you will learn is coming up with different genres can cure the common blocks that are faced by temporary writers. However, if you have that impressive catalog with a number of genres like the respected authors, you will have a very noble reason to keep working harder than ever before.
Like a good story writer, you must be an amazing dreamer and that great visionary with a third eye. Note that to succeed in this business, you should employ different approaches or roads because you don’t know the luck that awaits you in every writing genre you venture in. The readers are very diverse and knowing that which will drive them crazy needs someone who is very daring, someone who likes trying new things without any fear of failure. In fact, those who are afraid of failure try very few things and they succeed in very few things too while those who try many things also succeed in quite a number of things. This is the rule of the thump though you need to be very dedicated in every story that you come up with.
Finally, if you write thrillers, it is also good to consider venturing into other genres such as romance, comedy, fiction for the young adults, fantasy, horror, crime fiction, science, gothic, short stories, children and plays, suspense and much more.
This tells you that writing career is very broad only that it needs that daring writer.