The 4 Main Things You Need to Have in Mind When Buying a Koi Fish
There are those people who would rather have parakeets, dogs or even cats as pets. Nevertheless, others would rather own koi fish. There are so many koi fish sold at fish pet stores. They are common because a lot of people buy them. In addition to this, there is no hassle when it comes to taking care of them. However, before you get to make your purchase, it is important to be cautious. You need to have a few tips in mind before purchase. Outlined below are some of these factors.
Look for a Reliable Koi Fish Dealer
You should always start by thinking about where you are planning on buying the fish from. It is important for you to make sure that the dealer you are buying from can be trusted. Not every single dealer that you come across genuinely care about the koi fish that they sell. Look for a koi fish dealer who takes the time to make sure that all the koi fish are kept in a clean facility. Additionally, if there are numerous koi fish being sold by one dealer, they should not all be kept in one tank. If a dealer is responsible they will always ensure that all the koi fish are living in the right condition.
Consider the Appearance
Secondly, you will need to consider the appearance of the koi fish before buying it. When dealing with how the fish looks, there are a number of factors that you should have in mind. You will first need to start with body conformation. When making your purchase, you need to stay away from any fish that has a deformed body. Other factors that you should watch out for is the color of the fish, the appearance of the skin and the pattern edge. If at all you want to buy a pet, it is only right to take the time to buy the one that looks attractive.
Make Sure the Fish is Healthy
It is expensive when you have to nurse an unhealthy pet back to health. Before buying your koi fish, it is important to make sure that the fish is healthy. Make sure that you are cautious about the behavior of the fish inside the tank. Watch out for any cases of itching especially if the fish is doing it against the tank because this might mean that there is a parasite problem. Additionally, if you walk into a pet store and you do not like what you see in terms of how clean the place is, it is good to look for a different pet store.
Ask About the Price
In conclusion, you also have to think about the cost. Koi fish are sold at different prices. Nonetheless, you can always find out the average cost estimates so that you can know which dealer is selling theirs at a good price.