Safety Rules for Campers below Twelve Years
Camping is a superb way of having fun, relaxing and bonding with your family. Take a few days off your daily busy schedule and give yourself a treat by camping so that you can get time to relax because your body, mind and soul needs time to rest. You should have fun but do not forget about the safety of children at the camp. Ensuring children our self is not a simple task, but the activities that involve securing the children that you ought to know are easy and discussed here.
There are common diseases like flu that children are more likely to contract at the camp that you should get them vaccinated before you leave. Prioritize getting anti-tetanus vaccination because a camp is a place where minor accidents frequently happen that can cause cuts and bruises. Ensure the children remember the no running rule even after getting the tetanus vaccination.
Explain to the children the importance of living all sources of heat and light outside the tent to prevent the accumulation of carbon dioxide inside sisters don’t have adequate ventilation like the one in your house. Children may defy your orders, but you should be ready in advance to give first aid by reading more on first aid for carbon dioxide suffocation. Carbon dioxide is colorless and odorless; therefore, your sense of smell and taste cannot detect to know if it has accumulated in a tent, but you should take preventive measures. You should not allow anyone to bring lighting materials like matchboxes into the tent because you never know when a fire breakout will happen once anything combustible catches fire.
Ensure that you choose a safe ground far away from animals to erect your tent. Take the children to a place where they can comfortably see the animals such as on a safe raised ground, without them necessarily moving close to them. You should ensure that the children don’t take food two places where animals are or any other objects that they will be tempted to throw at them and want them from doing so that you don’t entice the animals to get close to you.
You should carry sprays and ointments that repel insects like mosquito. Make your kids wear bright colored clothes when they’re sleeping for you to see the insects that make all on them quickly. Termites and ants will also get into the tent to feast on leftovers that fall on the ground.
Pack clothes for all weather and activities. Temperature drop too low in some areas at night and shoots during the day. You should request for a timetable of the events at the camp if you’re going for comes that are organized by camping business organizations so that you can pack the required exercising outfit for the children.