Orthodontic Treatments and How they can Help
Talking of orthodontics, this is generally a branch of dentistry that focuses on the treatment of conditions such as malocclusion which is a condition where the teeth are not correctly positioned when the mouth is closed. Malocclusion is often occasioned by problems of chewing and biting resulting in improper bites.
From these we can readily see the fact that an orthodontist will specialize in such treatments that will help straighten the teeth. These treatments are in most cases deemed to be cosmetic but they can be for the need to improve oral function as we have already seen. The treatments can be for the need to improve the appearance as has been the case for some but they can as well be for better oral function as they aid in improving your biting and chewing function and as well improve your speech and smile. They are as well procedures that can help protect the tooth from decay and damage.
The specialist dentist, the orthodontist will use a variety of dental devices such as headgear, plates, braces and the like to achieve this end. Here under is a look at some of the various kinds of devices that an orthodontist can make use of to achieve you these particular ends in correcting your dental shape and formulation.
Basically, these dental devices to use can either be categorized as either fixed or removable ones. For one reason or another, the fixed appliances happen to be the most common ones that an orthodontist will use to help correct such dental issues one may be suffering from. Looking at these, they happen to be the common ones more so in orthodontic treatments that call for some sure deal of precision.
As a matter of fact, with these kinds of dental appliances and devices, the fixed ones, you can get to restore as much your chewing and biting ability to near normalcy though there are some kinds of foods and drinks that you will have to avoid such as the carbonated drinks, gums, hard candy and such like sticky foods. The fixed appliances that an orthodontist can use to correct your dental health issues are such as braces, the fixed space maintainers, the removable space maintainers, and the special fixed dental appliances.
Then we have the removable orthodontic appliances. The removable dental appliances for orthodontic treatments as well come of various kinds and some of these are such as the aligners, the splint or jaw repositioning appliances, the palatal expanders, headgear, lip and cheek bumpers to mention but a few.