Ways to Know that You Are Suffering from Sleep Apnea
One of the most occurring sleep disorder is sleep apnea. Out of the many people who are suffering from sleep apnea, you will find that most of them are undiagnosed. The symptoms are not that severe that will make you suspect the condition. There are signs of sleep apnea like snoring, dry mouth, and irritability that can be signs of other diseases. You may not have thought of visiting a doctor, as these signs are not that alarming. But, how will one know that they are suffering from sleep apnea? The article that you are about to read will tell you more on the signs and symptoms of sleep apnea. When you suffer from sleep apnea, you will be stopping to breathe for a moment while sleeping. The brain is not sending signals to breathe so you have blocked the airway.
Loud snoring is one of the signs that will tell you that you are suffering from sleep apnea. How your breath will be restricted because there is a partial blockage of the airway. The snoring will then result due to the vibration of the upper respiratory airways. It is not only the sleep apnea that you will experience snores. Loud and disruptive snores are irritating to those your share bedroom with, so you need to seek the help of your doctor.
Wit dry mouth, you will have a feeling that you are suffering from sleep apnea. There are other symptoms of sleep apnea that will make you have dry mouth. Snoring at night will make you have a hard time sleeping. You will then want to sleep with your mouth open so that you can have a comfortable sleep. When you expose your mouth to the air for a long time, you will dry saliva out. You will also feel like you have a sour throat in the morning because your throat was also exposed and it dried as well.
The other sign of sleep apnea is paused and gasping when you breathe. Sleep apnea will make you have difficulty in breathing, so you suddenly wake up gasping for air. Oxygen will not be supplied sufficiently, and this will make you gasp for more when you sleep. When you go for sleep apnea test, this is what is measured.
You may be having long sleeping hours, but still, wake up feeling unrested.
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