Elements That Cause The Change In Drug Prices
Prescription drugs are the drugs that most doctors advise their patients to use after they get infected with a particular illness. The drug prices are expensive in cases where they are provided to low income earners. There has been measures that have been undertaken to ensure that there are affordable drugs for patients. The patients who would like to access the affordable drugs it is important to ensure that they consult their doctors on the drugs they would like to acquire.
Firstly, the drug prices are affected by the availability and accessibility of drugs by the healthcare facilities and the targeted patients. Due to the latter the drugs become less such that they are not enough for the available population. When the drug prices are high it becomes impossible for the patients in need to have the necessary drugs that they require to get cured.
The government is required to have the necessary reliable relationships with the suppliers of the drugs they use to ensure that there is no shortage in the country at any given time. The government maintains such relationships by setting up policies that are favorable to the supplier. The unavailability of raw materials makes it possible for the people to have less drug available in the market which may cause the drug prices to rise. It is important for the government to ensure that they protect the interested of the internal and external suppliers of drugs at all times to ensure that the drug prices in the country become manageable at all times.
Due to different factors patients visit the private hospitals to receive treatment which in most cases is high. Also, since the patients pay the cost in cash they tend to feel the heaviness of the matter, however, in public facilities the patients are able to receive services at subsidized costs. It is important to note that the quality of health services to patients determines their attitudes towards the facility and the provided drugs.
This is because if a doctor prescribes the same medicine to a group of patients even when they are suffering from different illnesses it causes congestion in pharmacies as the patients seek to buy the drugs. Expensive drugs are given to patients who have a tough time in recovering and in most cases such patients suffer from complex illnesses. Doctors should regularly attend training to ensure that they are able to renew their knowledge so that they can prescribe the right medicine to the patients that visit them.
Patients deserve to be taken care of to ensure that they do not suffer incurable illness which later lead to their death at all times.
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