26. August 2019 · Comments Off on What Has Changed Recently With ? · Categories: Health Care & Medical

Tips On How To Treat Damaged Hair.

Taking care of your body is very important nowadays due to the fact that many companies have come up with different products that can be used to enhance the beauty of an individual and also their hair. Dry and damaged hair is one of the major problems that many people are facing nowadays. Some people have resulted to using chemicals to treat their hair but this is not safe because it has a long term effect on your hair and can make your hair lose its shine. Some of the signs that indicate you have damaged hair include your hair getting entangled easily, the hair feels harsh and dry when you run your fingers through it and lastly, it can be seen visually that the hair has got split ends as it breaks easily. In many cases, dry and damaged hair is as a result of hot climates that you expose yourself to and spending a lot of time under the sun.

Other reasons that can cause this problem include the use of chemical treatments and styling tools such as blow dryers or straighteners regularly. For other people, they might have dry and damaged hair because of hereditary genes that they acquired from their family or even because of a certain illness. There are ways that you can treat your hair and ensure that it retains its moisture, shine and also growth.

In case you do not have these items in your house, you can purchase them and the first item to use to treat your hair is eggs. The reason as to why eggs are recommended is because they consist of proteins that are necessary for your hair and have the ability to give your hair the shine that it needs. The eggs are massaged on the hair roots and tip, let to set for twenty minutes then rinsed off thoroughly, this method can be done once a week. The second product to use is an avocado.

With the proteins that are present in avocado, they help to make your hair soft since the proteins help to hydrate the hair. Once you have mashed your avocado, mix it with olive oil then gently apply it on the hair and let it sit for approximately one hour, rinse it off then wash your hair as you normally do. Honey has got no chemicals or preservatives and that is why it is a good recommendation for hair treatment. Warm water is mostly preferred to rinse off the honey once it has been applied on your hair. When you are looking to treat your hair, oil can come in handy especially olive oil which has vitamin E that seal moisture in your hair while coconut oil is good for bringing the hair to shine once more.

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